Dr. Rosidah, M.Si

A. Identitas Diri

  Nama Lengkap   Dr. Rosidah, M.Si.
  Kode Dosen   1120
  Email   rosidah@unm.ac.id
  Bidang Keahlian   Pendidikan Matematika

B. Riwayat Pendidikan Tinggi

No. Tahun Lulus Jenjang Lokasi (Dalam / Luar Negeri) Nama Perguruan Tinggi Program Studi
1. 1986 S1 Dalam Negeri IKIP Makassar Pendidikan Matematika
2. 2000 S2 Dalam Negeri IPB-Bogor Statistik
3. 2019 S3 Dalam Negeri Unesa Surabaya Pendidikan Matematika

C. Pengalaman Penelitian Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No. Tahun Judul Penelitian Waktu dan Tempat
1. 2015 Inferential Statistical Reasoning Prospective Teacher in Solving Problems in Terms of Gender Differencess International Conference Committee (ICSMTR-2015) State Unversity of Makassar
2. 2016 Penalaran Statistis Siswa SMA dalam Pemecahan Masalah Statistika ditinjau dari Perbedaan gender Seminar Nasional Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo
3. 2016 Analysis of Statistical Reasoning Process of Senior High School Students on the Size of Central Tendency (The Case Study For Student’s Low Math Ability) 3rd International Conference on Research, Implementation And Education Of Mathematics And Science, Yogyakarta.
4. 2017 An Analysis of Statistical Reasoning Process of High School Students in Solving the Statistical Problem 2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research
5. 2018 Exploring the Statistical Reasoning Process of High School Students Viewed From Gender Differences 5rd International Conference on Research, Implementation And Education of Mathematics And Science, Yogyakarta.
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